APOP with price.
Figure 1: APOP With Price & Standard X'Pression.
APOP with no price.
Figure 2: APOP With No Prices & Special X'Pression.
APOP with expression.
Figure 3: APOP With Price & Animated X'Pression.
APOP with expression.
Figure 4: APOP With Price & Special Value.

You maximize your marketing and sales potential in all your restaurants with the creativity and the flexibility of Prices and X'Pressions. There are 3 options available for each APOP Menu Item.

  • Include A Price: If there is a different price in your highway restaurant and your mall restaurant, the CORRECT price will be displayed in each of your restaurants. (Figure 1)
  • No Price: If you want to promote a new product and not display a price, you have that option available.
  • APOP X'Pression: Each Menu Item can include an X'Pression with or without a price. The X'Pression creates an awareness impact for the products you are promoting. The large X'Pression Library includes: Limited Time Only, Tasty, Special, Extra Value, Fantastic, WOW, Try One, Special, Go For It, New, etc. (Figures 2 & 4)
  • APOP Animated X'Pression: Each Menu Item can include an animated X'Pression with a price. The animation of the X'Pression creates an awareness impact for the products you are promoting. The large X'Pression Library includes: Fabulous, WOW, Extra Value, etc. (Figure 3)

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